DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Icewm dsl extension
For those who likes Icewm ;-)
it has the same menu of fluxbox and icons on desktop (480 kb)
Very nice! Thanks for sharing. We are soon going to need a place to store all the locations for cool .dsl s
Henrique, I was actually going to do this myself soon.
Thanks for the contribution!
While fluxbox may be the most efficient, Ice is definitely better looking.
nice job
I second the need for a storage space to house user contributed *.dsl/*.tar.gz files.
I have a few in mind, but at the moment I have no place to upload them for public use.
I just completed a rox.dsl for the Rox Filer, including the myDSL menu item, Desktop Icon creation and custom DSL MIMI type associations for one-click launching of files.
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