DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: booting from USB device via floppy

Tried the aformentioned one it doesn't work. I have been trying to get DSL to work using the flonix usb boot floppy. Apparently i must have the wrong boot floppy.. it will stop loading saying it could not find the flonix compressed file. Anyone have a working boot disk they could image? I'm really new to linux and so I haven't figured out he nuances to getting the miniboot extracted and edited properly myself.
If you have the CD, rawrite (dd) the boot.img to floppy and try it out
That won't work - the boot.img from CD doesn't have any USB modules and hence can't load a filesystem from a USB pendrive.
Quote (Guest @ Feb. 24 2004,01:59)
Tried the aformentioned one it doesn't work. I have been trying to get DSL to work using the flonix usb boot floppy. Apparently i must have the wrong boot floppy.. it will stop loading saying it could not find the flonix compressed file. Anyone have a working boot disk they could image? I'm really new to linux and so I haven't figured out he nuances to getting the miniboot extracted and edited properly myself.

I 've tried by myself without troubles. I run Flonnix and DSL from my memory-stick.
But watch out: you need 3 floppy's. Read the tail of the page I 've posted. The first floppy must be written with rawrite (boot.img or something) and on the others you have to copy  vmlinuz and syconfig (as i can remember)

It go's fine, but my own modifyed flonnix wont run. I 've folowed the knoppix remastering howto. I can create my knoppix-file but when I want to run it, it go's really wrong..
Is there a good howto to modify usb-knoppix versions?

(/me still a newbie)

Rob  over on Feather linux has posted a nice remastering page which might help.


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