DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Suggestion

I was impressed by the rox and synaptic scripts (im yet to test them). You should include more scripts for installing apps on dsl, they dont take up much space, and you could have scripts for... more games, more music apps, more graphics apps, etc.

It would be awesome to have access to 100meg of extra software with only 10kb of scripts.

I second that.

The scripts is an inexpensive way to add value to this great distro


Bump :)
the only problem is that you have to take care that download sites you put in the scripts may change from time to time..this may get scripts not to work.
Anyway, I agree. Scripts are a good compromise between space and completeness.:)

The solution for the "disappearing web site" problem is simple:

Have the DSL download page on ibiblio be the host for the "packages" that the scripts will attempt to download.

Most of the packages (Opera excepted) are GPL software, so it is allowed to host a web site for the packages.

For example, many of the packages that are downloaded by my install scripts are either Slackware Linux or Vector Linux packages.  It is perfectly acceptable to copy these files over to the DSL download site on ibiblio.org and then modify the scripts to download them from this website.

In this way, the downloads are safe as long as DSL continues to be a distribution that is maintained and served from this website.

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