DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL - lite
Some of us have been working on remastering DSL, to add, in my case, Foxfire, and some other things. I have not been very successful in the remastering effort, but will continue to try.
I think an enhanced version of DSL, with some of these things included, even though it does not fit on a small business-card cd would sell very well. When I bought, I asked for the regular-sized cd anyway, and would like to have a DSL with Foxfire and wvdial. I do that anyway with a restore, and have a couple of nice tarballs under way now that have all that. One has Foxfire, the other has MozillaFirebird. Would be nice to have most of the items wanted, and the only restore needed would fit on a floppy.
What would DSL users want in this enhanced distro?
Feel free to post here:
I have been trying to do the same as you with all the script posted and so far no Joy. There is always a problem and I am limited in my linux programmers ability.
Firefox, flash, shockwave, java and thunderbird (sylpheed is ok but..)
I like the idea of a complete mini cd setup with the minimal restore on a stick or floppy.
By the way I just discover the toram option. That rocks. Real fast I love it.
For info:I do my experimentation on a p4 512ram using a dsl through a home lan (router). I have yet to try the dialup.

>>Firefox, flash, shockwave, java and thunderbird<< Absolutely.
Off the top of my head, the Gimp, Synaptic, Abiword if Open Office too big, and mplayer.
just a few words to say that:
that has been discussed several times in this forum.
The results of these topics are generally to be resumed as follows, if I remember well:
1) this is not the goal of DSL
2) other distros already do that, or can do it if stripped down (knoppix, gnoppix, and so on..)
3) dsl has a philosophy based on the motto "keep it light and simple"
In my opinion, if I want openoffice, abiword, gimp, flash support and so on, I can use Mandrake Move or Knoppix. What I need dsl for is to bring to new life to old hardware, and to have a OS in my pocket.
just my humble opinion:)
I totally agree with Davide (yeah., I'm a lazy guy)
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