DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: wacky idea

well, by putting everything on one disc instead of a disc & something else, you are:

Saving money - USB memory devices aren't crazy-cheap like the less than a dollar CDRWs are.

Saving space - Granted, not MUCH space.  But also consider that you won't be forgetting to take your not-cheap USB memory device with you when you're done with whatever machine you're using.

Making it more accessable - If all the USB ports are being used, or if the machine doesn't have them, having everything on the ubiquitous CD means you can use it in more places.  Heck, even if you need to use it on a machine that doesn't have a CD burner, chances are that it will have a CD ROM that can read the disc.

Hmmm... is it possible at all to have DSL as a mutli-session disk?  Just thinking, if you could burn the base install onto an 8cm, then have an option that any changes or installs you make can be saved to an "update" session... hey, you could have a fluxconfig thing in there so you could make new styles, then burn your new setup...
Ooh, how about, if that's not possible, a version of DSL with inbuilt burning that has all the config stuff in there, then when you have it set up with the styles and apps you want, hit "burn new version" to create a seperate updated disk??  Probably need two cd drives, one to boot from and one to burn to, but I'm sure a most of the users in here would have that kind of setup anyway...
(sorry if I'm rambling, hey, it's 2am, haven't had a coffee in 9hrs...):p

I think it's a great idea
Go to internet cafe,do some work,connect USBdisk and copy files.
Computers in .netcafe don't have burner but you can burn cd for 20CZK if you ask the guy who want's 1 CZK/min :angry:

(1$ = 25CZK)

knoppix toram hdc=ide-scsi
bashburn next track (probably 2nd)

What about sticking the basic setting you need to save on a floppy or pinching a bit of hd space to save settings on like Suse live eval ?
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