DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: sub-distros for DSL

i really think it is a good idea to have costomized DSL for specific uses.. im really impressed with that fact that i can load DSL to ram and run it from there. also it's small size if good for embaded stuff, personally all i care is DSL with rxvt and fluxbox and wmcpuload. that is about it , the rest of the space is for gcc and scite so that i can develope my applications on DSL.
some other people may want DSL as a server so they want certine kind of applications. and still they will get smaller than usual OS.
i really think if this will happen that ull have a lot of people interested in DSL.

That's a really good idea.  I'm surprised no one else on the forums has ever thought of that... So, when can we expect your customised version of DSL to be released?
i wish i know how to costumize DSL, but i dont, im hoping that the people who created DSL and the other developers will. :angry:
Do a search, as there have been remastering threads on both these forums & the knoppix ones.

Use DSL as the basis of your own distro and add what you like.
Not forgetting to remove what you don't want :)

My remaster (using it now) has Firefox and Wvdial. Firefox has a built-in home page, with over 80 links. The Dialer part of the Menu is arranged where it can be easily "torn off" and positioned near the throbber in Firefox, for dial-hangup.
Added a couple of clocks, a
scientific calculator, a calendar (with daily notes) and QuickList. For some fun (for some) I added Snowflake.
(Not quite as much fun as Mr. Potato Man, but close,
appeals to kids, I suppose. )
I notice that a new game has been added to 0.6.3,
so when I get to remastering the new DSL, I'll have to add some more games, too. The transition to 0.6.3 will involve setting it in a new partition, for remastering purposes, so I can access some of the things I have put together for 0.6.2 in it's partition. I'll rotate these DSL builds out, since I have three partitions for remastering, and the oldest DSL will get replaced when new Damn Small editions come out. Technically, I can still work on the older editions, such as 0.6.2 that I have now, and make .iso's to burn for that. I'll migrate most of the remastering effort to 0.6.3, however, it appears to have lots to work with!
I have been running about 60 Mb. I have an extensive Getting Started Guide in the
remaster, and nice start up graphics, made with Gimp.
Also included are about 25 nice outdoor scenes, that I hand-picked from many on
Webshots. These can be viewed using XZGV, where you can cycle through them with the space bar. Full instructions are given to use any of them for wallpaper. I added the icon for Synaptic, and give instructions for that, also.
Oh, and I added "Bump Scope" for XMMS.
I kept all of the standard DSL 0.6.2 applications, but changed the default menu.
I use the "outcomes" style for fluxbox. That works well no matter what screen resolution is needed. On that subject, I changed the xsetup.sh so the dpi choice screen is taken out. Wanted to speed up the setup process. Also, it is possible to make a custom remaster for a particular computer, with a .xsessionrc, so no choice screens are presented.
So, that's what can be done, a customized DSL via remaster. Most of the time, however, it won't be under 50 MB, but I leave that up to the developers to accomplish with the base DSL.
I'm not distributing my remaster(s), they are simply a research project, a work in progress. I do a new build every few days.  


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