DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: The stupidest idea ever with a reason :I
My school is extremely strict. Is it possible to change the distors name? I live in the south part of the U.S. and even saying Damn is bad. So I know I can't post it up on a desktop.
I believe this was brought up before, but the dicussion did not come up with a conclusion.
My place is pretty OK with the name, but I agree the name might upset some people.
Its undergoing exorcism as we speak 
See last message in this thread :
My mother-in-law ...
( who, according to legend, was a "wild child" in the 60's and 70's ! )
... and who is now in her 60's, has mentioned a few times about the name..
( Why does it have to have "damn" in it? Can you take it off? )
..... priceless 
So. I look forward to the new "undamned" version...
It's been so nice NOT to have to provide tech support for
her ailing HP / winXP / malware ridden box on a weekly basis,
since the installation of DSL.
The only complaint I've been unable to deal with so far is that it
won't play the 'same old solitare' that she has liked for so long.
Need to find a cleaner, easier to read, solitare game for her.
( and a big THANKS for the java extension, since the
"yahoo/msn games" now work online.. whew !! )
A real lifesaver.......
Well....I have a Great Solitare game on my grandparents DSL machine, but I cannot remember what it was called, If I find it i'll release it as a .dsl.
Right when my grandparents got thier DELL I formatted the hard drive and put DSL on it. It ran flawlessly, and since they live 200 Miles away I have SSH installed on it so if they need it fixed I can do it, I can even install the programs and add them to the menu, I love SSH.
It has been running for....oh..a good 6 months without a reboot. :-P
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