DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Install scripts for Opera 6.12

Opera 6.12 had two distinct advantages over the other options:

(1) The fastest full-featured browser available. Especially important on older hardware.

(2) The install script required less available RAM if you were a livecd user.  For example, the Opera download worked when booting from livecd on a 40MB RAM system.  Firebird install download failed to work.

Opera 7.0x was noticably slower on old hardware. Haven't tried 7.5 yet.

The biggest problems with Opera and DSL are:

Opera is not open source software.
The free version displays an ad banner at the top of the screen.
Opera no longer displays most fonts correctly since DSL was upgraded to 0.6.x
It is assumed that the font problem is related to library issues, but nobody knows for sure what the problem is or how to fix it.

If you can get 7.5 to work correctly on newser versions of DSL, please let us know.  It wouldn't be too difficult to create a script or a *.dsl for it.

Opera 7.5 installed just fine for me.

I downloaded the static .deb and installed using dpkg -i.
All characters are present and it runs very well on my
epia 500 mhz board.

Nice to have opera back

This is good news.

Next step is to create an opera75.dsl  for DSL version 0.7.x

One gotcha associated with an opera75.dsl creation:

Do not save any Opera user preferences files as part of the DSL file.  In order to make a DSL file that can be shared with other users, we need to make sure that the License agreement acknowledgement window will pop up on the screen when the user runs the software for the first time after download.

thx for the heads up Buck

Personally i found opera 7.5 a bit heavy on my 800 mhz epia.
But the 6.12 version is available in a .deb file as well. It installed without a glitch.

original here.