DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: mkliloboot default install location
Ok. Here is what I would do. First locate or make a winXP boot disk. Then use it to fdisk /mbr the hard drive. This will restore the boot sector for windoze.
If that lets you boot into windoze you have your data saved.
Next boot DSL from the CD and try the mkliloboot again. Be sure when you answer the question about where to put the boot stuff you give it the partition where you installed DSL, not the windows partition. You can use cfdisk from the CD to see whats on the HD partitions.
Ok, I'll make a boot disk now, thanks for your help
If I do the mklilo thing again, and set it to the right partition, will this set the dsl partition as the active partition?
What boot disk do I need? I looked at bootdisk.com and the one bootdisk they have looks like the installationcd distributed over 6 floppies, and I already have the installation CD :?
I have installed and uninstalled DSL more times than I care to count. All I know is that whenever I have told mkliloboot the wrong partition (the windoze one) it has screwed my boot sector. I am running winXP and when it happened I had to use a winXp boot disk to do the fdisk/mbr thing.
Its very important that you tell mkliloboot that your root partition is where ever you installed DSL. Its also important that before you run mkliloboot that the boot sector be as it was before you started this DSL thing -- thus get winXP's boot back before you go any further if possible. That will enable mkliloboot to properly back up the file /boot/boot.0300
Ok, I understand what you mean but I'm not sure where to find an XP bootdisk that will let me use a command prompt, maybe I can from the setup cd I'll have to try.
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