DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: mkliloboot default install location

Also, if I were to add a line to the windows boot file, such as:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)="Damn Small Linux"
Would that be able to boot DSL ?

I booted with the win98 boot disk, typed ctrl-F5 to go to the command prompt, typed fdisk /mbr, and nothing really seemed to happening.  Is this because dos can't see ntfs partitions?  Any other suggestions
Did you reboot to see if it restored your boot record? There is not a whole lot of activity after the fdisk /mbr, although your disk drive light should blip for a milisecond.

I seem to remember using an old Win98SE boot disk to restore the boot record. I dont think the boot record is NTFS.

Yeah, I rebooted afterwords and got the same message about a corrupted dll, although...lilo didn't boot I believe so I can't run dsl from hd now either :(
Well, my knowlege was a bit behind on MS OS's. Apparently the boot sector setup is different for an NTFS disk than a FAT system. You need to restore your MBR with the fdisk of whatever type system is on the windows partition.

You can also remove the liloboot with the command

lilo -u

That is supposed to return your boot record to what it was.

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