DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL Subscription
There are several things that might be solved with a subscription plan where the
DSL user would pay a one time fee up front, say $50.00, and would automatically get new versions sent to him, and perhaps betas not released to mainstream, for
a total of say, 10 CD's. Postage and handling being a big expense, so the actual number needs to be fairly determined.
When the 10 are sent, then your subscription is up.
A lot of us are, let us say, enthralled by the idea of DSL, and would like to be able
to get some betas to test, and provide feedback through this board.
Those comments would generate interest in the subcription idea. Perhaps the
subscription would only be for betas, some of course, almost as complete as the
What the developers of DSL get is more feedback, and perhaps code itself.
You know, Microsoft has many thousands of such testers, and I heard that
Windows XP was provided to them for $9.95.
All the DSL beta testers get in return for any suggestions and or code provided to DSL is an occasional suprise in the mailbox, a new
CDROM from John!
And the fun and satisfaction of having contributed something to a nice, unique Linux distribution. With out mailboxes filling up with statements, bills and
other $%*)#@ nowadays, what a nice suprise, a DSL CD!
With the subcription plan, I could forget about having to order DSL for a
while! It'll appear automagically in my mailbox!

I would be interested in this (but not the Beta's).
I do wonder how much work this would be to manage though?
I am happy to support DSL and buy the CDs but I have had experience of things like this and if a lot of people 'subscribe' then the admin can take up a noticable amount of time.
If it goes ahead then I would be interested.
P.S. everyone I show DSL to is amazed at whats in it and how well it works!
I think this is a bad idea. No offense John, but I seriously think that until the program is perfected, it shouldn't be charged. Besides, it's open source! Who would want to charge for open source! (50 bones is a large chunk of money for a 48 mb OS! :P) I also think that it would be a time consuming process for John to have to keep burning and sending out CDs to a LOT of people. At least I wouldn't want to do that...on the other hand, I am lazy. Just my two cents.
I agree.
John has created DSLas a labour of love
This would turn it into a chore/obligation. 
it could work for some people who can afford that. for some others it would not.
open source soft CAN be sold and actually IS BEING sold. No scandal in this.
It's just depending on what you want from your project and how you deal with users..
my two cents
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