DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Maybe a way to add Mozilla
John's done an excellent job of creating a great distro. However, everyone keeps complaining about the lack of a heavy-duty browser. Enter minimo http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/screenshots.html
A scaled down version of mozilla, it is designed to run on handhelds (reduced codesize and memory footprints), there's no reason it can't be compiled for x86 architecture. It's still early in development, but it's worth looking into.
Just thought I'd put that out there.
Minimo requires GTK. So that's a no go. It was just an idea anyway.
Size ? (without dep.)
Grim, Minimo does an excellent job of rendering, but it is not at all a complete browser. It lacks cookie support, javascript, and whole host of other features. I have been keeping my eyes on the project, but development is slow. As it stands right now both Dillo and Links-H are much more capable.
Yeah, I noticed that John. Aside from the lack of features, the size would be a limiting factor as well. Too bad links doesn't handle flash and css or I'd completely remove any trace of mozilla from my machine...again.
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