DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: I don't want sudo on my system.
I've deleted sudo.
I shutdown root shutdown -h now.
Why don't I want sudo. Ask Arnie or Neo. You have 20 seconds to comply.
/fluxbox/menu uses sudo. Used anywhere else?
OK. Definately reasonable question. Do I have to have sudo?
I hope not for laughter or scorn. Skepticism (us scepticism,) OK. Sceptome is a Greek verb - to think. Ti kanis. Katalavenis. Tha ta poume. Yasu.
I don't really know C. I know a little Javascript.
I am trying to GUI shutdown.
I tried:
[exec] {su root} {"mypassword"} {-e shutdown -h now}
Perhaps a reasonable effort.
Please would anybody inform me is it possible can I do it any suggestions any pointers.
Best Regards friends.
P.s. How many MB the OS (not ISO,) no programs?
Installing myDSL apps requires sudo, unless you want to do some of the process manually.
Other scripts that require sudo:
The "add users" gui
control panel
pppdial gui
Your fluxbox menu isn't going to work. For regular commands the menu line has to look like this:
[exec] (label) {command}
So maybe this will work:
[exec] (shutdown) {rxvt -e su -c "shutdown -h now"}
What is your motivation for deleting sudo? If you feel it is a security risk to allow sudo without a password then you can tighten things up by editing your /etc/sudoers file. For example you could require a password for all programs except some of the ones mikshaw mentioned.
If you really don't want sudo but want some things to run as root you could use chmod to change the set user id property. However this is probably more insecure than using sudo.
I think this post belongs on the humor section....
Thank You mikshaw and friedgold.
Question. Answer. Treasure.
The C guys are the A team.
Admired respected valued loved appreciated.
Reinstalled vanilla but may choose to de-sudo at some point.
Friedgold. Part of my motivation for deleting sudo is this.
Began Linux 2 years ago Red Hat 6.
I am a rookie and if I gave any advice to a rookie it is this:
do not run as root. Likely you'll WASTE TIME amending mistakes (read the instruction manual!)
I guess you understand what I mean.
Maybe de-sudo is sledgehammer to nut, but my personal methodology protocol was curious.
Best Regards.
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