DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: [project] dot-dsl
dot linux is maybe too ambitious. so many users, with so many different needs...often distros are slightly different and need little but important systems adjustment that may vary from distro to distro.
So, I think that a dot.dsl may be a good idea, but a dot. linux is a very big challenge. though, it is also said that "when things get tough...the toughs get going". good luck! 
I will begin "in-depth" work on this in a few months, The .linux would not be as hard as you think. Anyways, I will do .dsl and then while working on that i'll also work on .linux which I am sure I could get bandwidth from other linux sites, Right now I am working on my MMPORG and http://gimmeapenny.com
Ekylypse, sounds like an interesting semi-commercial project. Yet, I'd prefer it to be independent of DSL, because it is not really part of this project and may be confused with stuff we have in the works.
Maybe it would be a better idea to generically target the Linux community?
Okay John, thanks for your feedback, no problem.

If you target the Whole linux comunity, you coud stand to make alot of money. Then you coud use that money to further develop DSL.
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