DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: USB Package???
When attempting to do an apt-get upgrade for my hard drive installed DSL system (still trying to see if it worked), I noticed something- the package usbutils is installed, but there is no USB support in the kernel! I am running a not-up-to-date version (0.5, I think (yes, I downloaded the right one and checked the MD5 and ran testcd etc...)), so inform me if this has changed. If not, the package should be removed, unless people plan on recompiling the kernel.
It will restore the Debian PacKaGe utility
Ummm... So? Why is there a USB package in there if the kernel doesn't have USB support? (And additionally, why hasn't anyone done an apt-get upgrade, and then removed /var/lib/dpkg? New packages too big?) (Doing apt-get upgrade shouldn't really break anything unless there is a Debian package installed which either isn't in the Debian archives, or conflicts with them. If extra stuff is compiled from source and put in, dpkg and apt shouldn't notice (should they?) Correct me if I'm wrong)
original here.