DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: A tiny console database
I appologise to John for having previously sent him an Email about this app, I hadn't checked the DSL website enough to spot this forum previously, and this obviously the correct place for correspondance such as this - ( I must learn to be more observant!)
I have have been a linux user for about 4 years now, and one of the applications I have always found useful is the console database Index, it is available both as source code from
ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub....tar.gz, and also as an rpm from
It is one of the first applications I always install on any distro I use. It makes a small flatfile text only database using fields you specify in a text editor which it can then query/edit using its own menus. It is about 17k (I think) in size as a binary. It requires ncurses and it stores its data in a hidden folder (.index) in the users home directory. It also relies on the editor set in the environment. It obviously would be limited in size of database if DSL was running in ram from its CD, however should DSL be installed on the hard drive I think the app would prove useful to most users. Index is not on a par with Rekall or MS Access, but it is similar in operation to the application "data" which used to be on the psion 3 and 5 organisers. The problem obviously with using a live CD is all the data is gone on shutdown.
I know many people don't like console apps, but this one is menu driven and idiot proof (hence I can use it), good for address book, indexing music collections or cataloging vintage car spares in your garage.
My best regards to all
Say this is pretty cool. A PIM for DSL. It is small. I put it in my home directory and then entered it in the filetool.lst so that it and the databases are part of my backup. So even with a liveCD I can take advantage of this little app. Thanks for sharing this Jock.
Off to check it out. Also the fact it's console based is an added attraction.
Small is beautiful 
But Damn small is best.
original here.