DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL ideas

How about a 600MB version that would fit on a normal CD?

It could have alot more then the 50MB version and it could have all kinds of graphical stuff because of the new space.

And in the HD install how about having it allow you to have permement settings for your mouse and resolution and things like that.

Because it's annoying having to give all the settings every time it boots even from the HD.

And if it had permement settings it would be easier for Non-Linux users to use because a Linux usesr could set it up and get it working and the Non-Linux user would never have to set the resolution and hard things like that.

Also how about a windowing/GUI scripting language that would allow people to custiomize the GUI what ever way they want without TONS of programming.
Becaue personaaly I don't like the little vertical tab on the top left of the window, it's annoying.
And I would like to add selecting options for selecting text.
And I would like to make a start type bar and make the GUI more user freindly.

And why don't you rather try Bonzai or Knoppix.
BTW, you can put the little tab anywhere you want from the menu.

I agree with ou_rypert. for sure such a distro would be usefull, but for sure it already exists.
it's knoppix (or gnoppix, or mandrake move)

Personally, I like Red Hat 9. Hard to tell, sometimes which distro I am on, as I have
Damnsmall and Red Hat 9 on this same box.

does that defeat the objective of dsl
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