DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Some light filesystem hacks

Damn Small Linux Wishlist:
Run from ram by default.
'mount -o bind' root filesystem items rather than using symlinks (this is vaguely faster, since the redirect occurs at a lower level)
Place /etc on ramdisk; it's a tiny chunk of space, and all.
If ramdisk size > 160M (64M + 96M), copy /KNOPPIX/usr to ramdisk and redirect /usr to that
Automount all hd's.  (Rather than having to tell slit to mount them when you boot)  Of course, report all errors in doing this.

That's all for now.  There's more I want to add (I really want to make DSL into a portable kiosk disc.  Just pop it in wherever, and have a fully operational desktop with all my settings from anywhere), but in involves providing a service and maybe building my own remote filesystem (mountable HTTPfs, anyone? ^_^)

Also, if you're running from HD, you could add "noatime" to /etc/fstab for your partitions - it stops access time being written, making HD access slightly faster.
Quote (Fordi @ April 09 2004,05:35)
Damn Small Linux Wishlist:
Run from ram by default.

Yeah, check installed RAM, if there is enough, do TORAM automagically, override with something like NORAM.
I'm with BillH. It's not possible to run toram automatically, because DSl is used by many people for giving new birth to old pc's low in RAM, but if there is an automatic check of the ram present in the machine..then it's a good idea to start toram by default.
I like the option of having it do it by default if there's enough - then your CD is free for burning and other uses.

I also really like the idea of /etc/ on the ramdisk, because then you can edit certain key files and back them up and have them automatically do their thing when you do a restore.  For instance, I hate having mv, cp and rm all with the -i option, so I've changed the /etc/profile file to remove them, and also include the aliases to la="ls -lak" and ll="ls -lk" - that way you've got more flexibility in your listings without typing lots.

Just my two cents.

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