DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: take away, put in
What I would like is Rdesktop (source is only 133 Kb). You can remotely control WinXP prof machines and login to MS windows Terminal servers. (it is part of Knoppix). And also the LTSP client (Linux Terminal Server Project)
Damnsmall is an excellent thin client!
Quick note, an Rdesktop client is already on DSL.
Must have overlooked that!
Im thinking it would be nice to include a better browser, in place of some other software. Theres nothing i haven't been able to do so far between gLinks and dillo, but they are not perfect. A copy of opera, mozilla or something would be space better spent i think.
Also i love gaim. and the text based chat things really bug me.
Those little games 'mostly' arent much my cup of tea. Although, maybe they are so small it doesnt matter? sokoban is good for wasting a bit of brain power though!
;bigger, more standard software, but less of it
This is a great distro, and ive been using it alot since i first found it. Thanks to John, and all the individual software people.
I'm trying to use DSL as my backup tools platform but it doesn't have rsync.
my backup tools is a simple script using rsync that copy one harddisk content to another.
Currently I use KNOPPIK booting from hd. But I really like to use DSL booting from hd and to ram. I could do that from DSL 0.5 with slightly revision in linuxrc so that it doesn't try to copy all from /cdrom to ram (which is a 7.6 GB harddisk)
I also like DSL to run from DAMNSMALL file from DAMNSMALL directory so I could have both KNOPPIX and DAMNSMALL in the same partition.
Last but not least
Thank's a lot John 
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