DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: take away, put in
John, let me start by saying this is one hell of a Live Distro you've cobbled together. I am subjected to some old hardware in my research lab and DSL runs when other live CD"s won't...even ones based on my beloved Slackware (Slax and StuxCD).
Now as for what I would dump and what I would add..let me start with what I would like added:
1) FLAC, Shorten and/or Monkey Audio Input support for Xmms. With the dropping prices of hd's and flash drives, these loseless compression types are becoming more common.
2)Nano. I personally don't need 4 different text editors and I think Nano provides a nice balance of simplicity (for newbies) and useability for Linux vets....but I know editors a very personal thing amongst the linux community, so no flames please.
As for what to drop, I think you are better equipped to make that decision than me. Like I said, I don't need 4 editors and I probably don't need mulitple web browsers either.
Oh and I agree with whoever suggested keeping the packages up to date. I know that is nearly impossible, but if you could keep up with the major changes, that would be good.
Thats all I have to say. Keep up the good work. You'll be getting an order from me for a couple CD's in the mail very soon.
Thanks for the feedback Stu, just to let you know, Nano is already in DSL.
yeah, I see know that Nano is there..i've been looking at a bunch of Live CD's lately and i guess i got a little confused.
since i am at it, i have one more suggestion. support for USB keyboards would be nice. perhaps it's already there and mine particular is just odd, but i thought since we have USB mice that it would be nice to have the keyboards too.
anyway, thanks again.
Heres a few requests for programs:
Small audio mixer
MSN emualtor (using AMSN under Mandrake but its a bit big)
apt-get install gaim and you're on MSN, AOL and a few others, if you so desire. AMSN always struck me as being one step above hammer and chisel.
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