DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Mounting ISOs

I've been browsing through KDE-apps and I found this goodie:

Mount ISO image
This script and servicemenu allow you to rightclick an ISO image and mount it to a directory. While mounting systems which are not included to fstab is allowed only to root, you have to enter root password once the script asks for it. Script will create a folder on the desktop, where the iso image will be mounted to. You can mount several ISO images at the same time. You need to enter root password for unmounting image. The corresponding folder will be deleted automatically.
Mount ISO image servicemenu can be used in two various ways: using kdesu or sudo. During the installation you'll be offered to choose a variant to use.

Now I know stuffing the KDE libs and stuff into DSL would overbloat it, but is there any similar app around? Should be really simple and hackable to work with mount.app


The automagic creation of icons for ISO files is a byproduct of konqueror, based on filename extensions. This functionality is not present in Xtdesktop.

However, if the user could ensure the ISO file is placed in a pre-determined location in the filesystem, a small shell script could be written to check said directory every so often for the presencse of an ISO and generate an icon on the desktop.  

Such an icon could be set to execute a script (possibly setuid?) to check if an iso is already mounted at a predetermined mount point (/mnt/whatever).  If not it could go ahead and mount the ISO to said mount point.

But then, why go through all the effort to create magic mount icons when all you have to do is open a terminal `sudo su' to root and type:
Code Sample
mount -t iso9660 -o loop youriso.iso /mnt/wherever

original here.