DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Thunderbird & Abiword
Well, first of all I just want to make clear that my suggestion was just that: a suggestion. I think DSL is one of the best distros of them all. I have tried dozens of them during quite a few years and this is the one that stands out as the one that supports my hardware absolutely best. I have a 3+ year old laptop and it works great. I use DSL both as live-cd and HD-install. I think many users are doing the same. So install-scripts would be of great help to enhance the HD-install. That's all. Thank's for a really good distro!!!
Keep on having fun,
Everyone's suggestions are appreciated. John and I try to enhance DSL so that everyone can benefit. The challenge is to try to keep DSL consistent for both liveCD and hard drive installed systems. We don't want to become another Debian installer. Also it becomes hard to answer questions and support the system if these become too divergent. As I stated above about my reservations about download scripts being more of a benefit to hard drive installations. And then causing frustrations when there is a new release. Re-downloading and re-setting up the system. Maybe fun the first time, but gets old quick. Besides what about the liveCD users? After analysing these issues, I think you will like what we have come up with. Wait till you see the next release. Another first from DSL. Advantage liveCD.
roberts; that's a very tantalizing post.......I'm desperate to make some comment and know I should,
and on the whole, will, wait until the release, but on one point;
any remastering or scripts I've added to my personal copies of DSL were purely to get back to
running live and I have to (politely) dispute the "......more of a benefit to HD installations" view.
I removed my HD install months ago, just as soon as I could remaster DSL competently. Nothing beats
running live and nothing, for me, beats the education you get from being able to fully mess around with
the system (live & fearlessly) and if you fry everything, well, you're only 30 seconds from being back
in business.....a million miles from "just another Debian install platform" and something I'm eternally
grateful to you and John for.
So, I guess in common with many, I'll be looking forward to that next release desperately. All the best.
Point taken. I should have included "advantage" to those who remaster. However the issue remains, when a new version of DSL comes out...
Please note, we are not taking away any current capability. You will always be able to do a hard drive install, or remaster your custom version. The educational value of DSL cannot be overstated. We are only trying to let a wider base of users partake in the "advantage".
Let me also say, thanks to the users here on the fourms. The information sharing that occurs here daily is very impessive. It is from these posts that inspire John and I to keep going. Many posts here have been incorporated into DSL making it better with each new release. And some posts challenge us with a way to implement them.
I have posted these messages, not to tease or tantailze. But because I did not want one to think we were being unresponive to these requests. We are only trying to come up with a solution. Now I hope that I have not over-hyped this, and hope that everyone will like what we have come up with.
I follow what's going on with DSL and Feather every day. Both groups continue to do great things. Each new release is very exciting!! I love how each distro strives to keep things small and simple yet packed with great stuff!!
Even "peanut" linux is at a gig right now!! They'll need a name change soon!
Keep up the great work!
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