DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: mc as superuser
I just noticed that running the midnight commander as super user from the fluxbox menu screws things up if you haven't previously run it as dsl. The reason for this is that on first run, mc creates ~/.mc and a few files within this directory....if they are created with root permissions, you have no write access to this directory as dsl.
The current menu item for mc super user is:
{rxvt -rv -fn fixed -T "MC as super-user" -e sudo mc}
Changing it to the following causes the root-owned files to be created in /root instead of /home/dsl, and so prevents the error:
{rxvt -rv -fn fixed -T "MC as super-user" -e sudo su -c mc}
Thanks for reporting this, mikshaw. I will be sure to put it in the next release.
also it might be nice if emelfm was configured with the same tweaks
that the default user has, when running as root
(like the MyDSL and Edit buttons)
Hihi... That's Funny 
I thought the same thing.... and had the same issues as you are seeing, regsx..
Here's the fix....
when trying to open an emelfm session as root, I always ran..
"sudo su"
"emelfm &"
This gave me an emelfm window, and a usable root shell..
But the default options in emelfm wouldn't work...
emelfm tried to open gif's and jpg's with xv ?
and there was no way to edit executables,
short of command line requests in the shell ...
I was bummed...
I mentioned this to roberts, who, couldn't duplicate my issues.
What ?!?!
He finally got to the bottom of the issue.
Seems it was the WAY I was starting the shell..
The defaults we all know and love come from the template in /etc/skel ...
If you simply "sudo su" , you get the default set of options... Boo..
If your start your adventure into the root shell with ...
"sudo /bin/bash"
"emelfm &"
Then you get all the goodies copied into your environment.. Yea !!
Also, using the menu option " Xshells > root access " , then typing "emelfm &"
gives you the same good stuff..
original here.