DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: MORE DamnSmall Emulators
I will try useing Damn Small Linux as HardDisk install for my uncles new PC.
He's rather a minamlist, so he's quite looking forward to the new non-M$ os.
Now, he programs in Boarland ASM, so I'm going to need DOSEmu etc setting up for him.
Now, I was thinking, it would be LOVERLY if we DSL had a pile of small Emulators for differnt older systems.
I'd love a miniCD linux as slick as yours that could run C64/GameBoy/Nes/Snes/DOS/Etc Emulators intergrated there and then.
I'm NOT saying WINE or anything Not DSmall ;-)
Keep Up the Awsome Distro
I'd like a c64-emulator and other stuff like that,
I'm afraid its all to big. It really seems that people are actually USING DSL (including me :-) and its maybe nut such a good idea to exchange a mailprogram with an emulator (even if its a 64-emu).
VICE for example is great! but it also takes its disk-space. And many use DSL on low-end machines. Im not sure about its minimum requirements but I guess many wont have fun with it.
There is a ec64(?)-Project though. A totally assembler-based C64-emulator. That might work. I tried it half a year ago and didnt get it to work but also gave up very early (I still use the real c64 :-)
By the way: I used to do assembler on dos, too
As a matter of fact I did since last year. DOS is very nice, 'clean' and easy. ASM in linux is much more fun :o)
Even though the community is sometimes 'hidden' and there are only few beginner's-pages...
I plan to set up a little assembler-section to that tcc-tutorial of mine but hta might still take a while...
Maybe I should sum up my post :o)
I think EMUs can be fun but DSL should stay serious and most of all usable!
Maybe there soon will be a remaster-howto and someone cares to do a games-dsl.
BUT there are very nice gamer-distros out there already! My favorite would be linux-CD-ScummVM (look at scummvm.org and links).
I think small emus are still fun and I once voted for a c64-sid-Player that only weights 55KB and I will put that on a page soon, too :o)
Keep having fun,
Hi everybody,
im quite a Linux newbee but some month ago i thought about
a way to add extra apps to Knoppix:
Would it be possible to put every upgrade app into an loop file(on the fat filesystem) and let the boot-up script mount this loop file to /usr/"appname" ??
Maybe we could just put all Emulators into a loop called "emu.lo"
and mount it to /usr/emulator ....
original here.