DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: flonix
Feather is getting better and better. Although It is ~10 mb bigger. It has ntfs resize support, mplayer, ctorrent, and install script to download opera, firefox, java, gimp. All the apps are in the menu too.
DSL may need to catch up
Do you mean Flonix or Feather? You seem a little confused!
You mentioned the GIMP, so maybe you mean Luit?
All these offshoots from DSL, it really gets confusing, doesn't it?
In my opinion Luit kicks the shit out of both Feather and Flonix which are both in it's size bracket, it goes to show you what a little bit of creativity can do with an extra 10 or 15MBs.
oh yes you are right. I thought they are the same thing.
I meant feather.
ah well, i guess it doesn't really matter which one is better. just use the one that you think is better
I just want to share my experience with using feather and I think dsl can learn from it. (Notice that I didn't say which distro is better, so don't yell at me for that)
1) It has an option to install to ext3. It would be nice if dsl can be installed on ext3 or reinfs.
2) all the configuration are gui based instead of ncurse based. That looks nicer
3) feather is not so apt-gettable. DSL definitely is better! I think it is VITAL FEATURE to make it apt getable. That's why I switch back to DSL.
4) It has scripts to download gimp, mozilla, opera, openoffice, java, a script to load all three dockapps
5) The menu has a lot more configuration tools. These configurations are lilo, ppp, pppoe, soundcard, network card, wireless card, time zone, keybroad
6) After feather is installed, a lot of the stuff on the menu doesn't work. Because it assume the user knoppix is sudo-able.
7) It has a menu to list out all the xbase app
8) it remove the tcp nolisten option so that they can use computer as terminals.
9) One software I really like is ctorrent. I don't think it is that big. Maybe it is addable to dsl
10) Feather automatically login as knoppix.
11) Those installed scripts actually add icon and modify the menu. Be nice if DSL have that too
That's all I can think of for now. Maybe other can point out more.
I am actively testing Luit Linux, Feather Linux, and of course Damn Small as we speak. Although you can download Gimp in Feather, you cannot get it into your
tarball for a restore, as yet. I have asked about that, and run into a dead end. The developer of Feather is only supporting backup of /home/knoppix right now, and
I have just posted my procedure for backing up much more than that to their forum.
(Patience, I'll review Luit later)
One thing that Feather and Damn Small share, is that neither has wvdial.
I have to restore it via my tarball, in 0.6.1 and Feather Linux.
Damn Small has it, and I love wvdial. I got used to it in Debian, and
None of these remasters seem to get past Dillo, although Damn Small is superior
in providing a wonderful download script for Foxfire, and once you determine what the
filetool.lst needs to be to restore that, you are OK. The great thing about
MozillaFirebird/Foxfire is that everything is in two directories,
/home/damnsmall/.phoenix and /opt/foxfire (or /opt/MozillaFirebird), so it
is easy to add these to your filetoo.lst and you can back them up.
Now, with Damnsmall, Opera 6.12 could be added, and I have.
Now, on to Luit Linux:
Yes, it has Gimp in the remaster, although the font support is poor, as it
is in Feather, for the downloaded (gimp-1.2.5-4_i386.deb) version (that
I cannot backup).
Yes, it can handle a Damnsmall tarball, with Opera and Foxfire.
It has wvdial, just like, which may have been Luit's beginning.
The developer of Luit will issue a new version, I have been told, and I have
submitted some suggestions on that. Right now, he is at 0.2.
Big thing with Luit, is the xfce4 window manager, it is great, and I have
this screenshot to show you on that:
The title of the web page shown in Opera 6.12 in the screenshot was done with Gimp, but
not using Luit Linux Gimp as the fonts are not good enough in that distro.
Gimp is fun to play with, however, and when we talk about distros that go
over the 50 mb DSL limit, I would rather have Foxfire mastered in, and not
Gimp. I have tried to do a remaster but so far no good. One day I'll get that figured out.

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