DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: local webserver dsl ?
is there a way to set up a local webserver using PHP+MYSQL in DSL ? i mean when using DSL as a live-cd.
i thought about it when lamppix did not boot on my 64Mo ram computer, the one wich would boot like a charm with DSL.
oops, i forgot to tell you, that i'm a linux real newbie, so i certainly won't be able to do it by myself (before a long learning time that is)
and by the way, i think DSL is really cool 
Monkey HTTP Server which is included uses PHP, and I think (not really sure) it also does MySQL. The problem with Monkey is there is almost no documentation. You can look through the .conf files and they have quite abit of notes in them.
Have you heard of XAMPPonCD? It is a remastering of DSL using LAMPP but does not fit on a BBC any longer.
i've heard of it... but it needs 128 Mo to run, and i need to set up a local webserver using PHP+MYSQL under 64 Mo of Ram. and XAMPP includes lots of things i don't need, so i think that memory requierement may be reduced by dropping unneeded things... and perhaps building a neat DSL file 
anyway, thanks for the help. and i will have a look at the Monkey HTTP server too.
I have been doing some PHP development on DSL just using the DSL install of PHP and connecting it to a database located on www.freesql.org. Not like having your own MySQL server, but it works.
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