DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: "Start button"
Is there any way to add a "start button" to the main fluxbox tray? I've always liked the idea of just being able to bring up the menu by right clicking anywhere on the desktop, but when running stuff fullscreen, and with tabs off, there's simply nowhere to click without minimising something! I don't really use the multiple desktops, so maybe removing that part and putting it there, or some way to expand the tray?
Actually, while I'm on the fluxbox topic, is there a way to quickly switch between open applications? I HAD thought that I could alt-tab at one stage, but it doesn't seem to be working anymore!
I don't know how you could add a start button to the fluxbox tray, but as long as you don't have "full maximization" selected it won't maximize over the tray and that will give you a few inches on each side of the tray to right click on the desktop.
For your second question... from 0.6 and on the keyboard shortcuts are not linked correctly. For a fix see my previous post in the X and Fluxbox section. Here's the link.
Problem is I DO have full maximization on, with the toolbar autohiding and always on top (Do a lot of web pages, showing clients etc., so want the maximum browser size)
As for the alt-tabbing, thanks heaps. Oh, do you need tabs enabled to alt-tab? If so, that again means I can't put the browser full-screen. Guess I could live with tabs on the bottom, and the toolbar taking up a little space at the bottom... at least mozilla's toolbars don't take up too much space, so I guess it's an OK trade-off
I have used the icewm window manager, it comes with Grey Cat Linux, and can be used with Redhat 6.1, etc. and icewm has a start button.
In FVWM, and most newer window managers, the trend is toward the
menu being whereever you click on the desktop. Neat thing about fluxbox's
menu, is that it can be taken apart, Try it and you will see what I mean. This is really only useful, however for a "dial and hangup" menu section, for those on dialup. Can put a part of the menu up there for some apps, but would have to reorganize /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox/menu with scite to make that suit your needs. Luit Linux, which has xfce4 window manager, has no start button, but the Panel, (toolbar) can include quick-launch buttons, that are very handy. Feather linux is like Damnsmall, (I'm using that now), it has fluxbox. Fluxbox is very compact, has a easily-customizable menu, and can auto-hide the bar
at the bottom by editing the /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox/init file with scite.

original here.