DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: routertastic-mundo!!?
Grim, using Coyote as a router do i need a hd for that (i.e. just no hd for the firewall)?
gonna try it out - thanks people - great thread
thank you :P
I've used Freesco for many years.
Either version 0.3.2 or 0.2.7 work fine.
Good forums, lots of patches and plugins for other stuff.
I suggest adding the paranoid firewall from
Freesco Firewall for Paranoid People -
I have Darkstat - ( traffic analyser )
Edna - ( mp3 server )
MC - midnight commander
Includes dhcp and caching dns servers,
FTP, Web, telnet servers too, which
can be accessed either public or local only.
Runs from floppy, or can be installed to HD.
minimum 2 isa nics , 386, 8 megs ram
(Even a 486-33 w/ 16 megs ram keeps up with
dsl speeds easily with 6 users on our localnet )
Find out more here - www.freesco.org
Agree about freesco well worth a look.
thank you not harm in taking a look 
original here.