Linux and Free Software :: Should the Lnx Community support 98 and ME users?
Linux needs easier program installation.
This is one of the best things (MyDSL) about DSL. What a shame proprietary programs like Macromedia's Flashplayer can't be packaged this way. The installer in Firefox 1.0.6 (DSL 2.3) hangs and trying to follow the two pages(!) of instructions for the manual install on MM's website induces screaming rages of frustration! And why is it that Linux leaves the old version first in line - rather than overwriting all but the config files with the newer version? I don't get it - the amount of friggin' around drives me around the bend. Its probably my own fault for failing to memorize all umpteen zillion Unix commands for the Command Line Interface. Oh well, to h*ll with Flash anyway. BTW - Mozilla's Flashplayer downloader/installer in DSL-N 0.1RC1 works just fine - go figure!You really need to learn at least a little about the basics of Linux before understanding why certain things are done the way they are, but truly it is quite logical and simple most of the time. The basics in my opinion are not just commands, but also some level of understanding about file permissions, environment variables, filesystem hierarchy, and even a little about Bash. All of this information can be found at let those window users wine to microsoft. There main concern is not about learning linux, they just want another windows that is secure, but there is no such thing. If they were really looking for a new OS they would take the time to learn the new OS. Anyone knows that all OS's are different, they expect that if they use a linux or mac system that it should act like windows. Just tell them to get a clue, if linux was like windows they would drop them to instead of taking time to support a wide range of systems.
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