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How about installing "vlc" (lowercase letters)
I prefer to use Synaptic because you can easily browse the list of available packages. I know that you can also do this from the commandline, but in this case the GUI Synaptic makes it easier for me.
I did try it with lowercase, I just accedently copied the uppercase one I did when I was experimenting, sorry. How do I use synaptic then?, It produces an error when I select it from the menu also. Am I missing something? -this is a HDD install by the way.
If you are already connected up to the Internet, Synaptic should be automatically installed without errors when you choose it from the menu.
Other than that, I don't known what the problem is.
OK, i cant get synaptic going. It will download, but it said i needed an apt-update -then when I did it totally killed my install, X wont run!
What did I miss? -is there a certain way i need to go about updating?
Any ideas?
BTW; reply took so long as i was finishing off my exams -done!
Last time I used Synaptic I just:
1) Connected to the Internet
2) Chose the Synaptic menu option in DSL.
3) Pressed the "Update" button (NOT "Upgrade")
and it worked fine.
For example, try to install XGalaga from the Synaptic program.
However, depending on your chosen program to be installed, Synaptic/Apt-get will determine that dependencies are needed to properly install the program.
If it decides to install any XWindows type packages in order to do this, it will break your DSL XWindows server.
There are ways around this. You can install the XFree86.dsl extension, for example.
Or you can manually download the *.deb program from the Debian website and then force an installation from the command line using
sudo su
dpkg -i filename.deb
I think there is a "force" flag that can be added. You will need to read the dpkg man page or maybe type dpkg --help for more information.
Good Luck.
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