Hardware Talk :: 11yr old laptop

thanx people.... but how i configure the swap partition during install,, do i have to open-up terminal and fdisk the drive?....or is there a more geographical way to do it?  ???
You configure the swap partition by opening a terminal window and type (assumes first hard drive = hda):

sudo su
cfdisk /dev/hda

Then make your Linux swap partition. Say for example, it is the 2nd partition on the drive, or "hda2".  After you save and exit cfdisk, type:

mkswap /dev/hda2

To format the swap partition. Then reboot and your swap will be automatically detected and used.

i keep geting an error in cfdisk it says "cannot open disk drive"

i went and got an 2.5 to 3.5 hd adpt. and installed dsl in my old desktop, and when put the hd back in my laptop, i boot up and, i get a error that says  "kernel panic: VFS: Uable to mount root fs on 16:00"... i used "lilo" boot loader on MBR.

i low-level formated my drive and reinstalled dsl and get the same error... help!


opps, forgot to log in
what about plain "fdisk"?
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