Hardware Talk :: Epia M10000 issue
Just to eliminate the easy things -- do you have USB keyboard support enabled in your BIOS settings on the M10000 board? A number of older BIOSes including several EPIA boards won't boot off USB in any way shape or form until legacy USB keyboard support is turned on.
If not, turn it on, then powercycle the machine and try again.
If it is, I'm sorry not to have any better ideas. I'll cross my fingers for you. :-)
unfortunately, the USB keyboard support is indeed on. I think perhaps maybe the particular batch I've been drawing from has a problem with some line of code in the process of USB booting. Basically, somewhere in between reading the boot files and looking for the image file, it stops reading USB devices in general, until I reset the CMOS. The odd thing is, after it loads linux24 and... that other file, whose name I forget, the parameter screen is the same as the LiveCD parameter screen, where as when it worked on the other computer, the parameter screen was blue with white text. Is this any indication of what's going on?
John and Caspar... what brand of USB keys are you using? And further more, which builds did you use with that board? I've tried using 1.4 and 1.5 now, same issue.
I don't mean to drag this on, but I got the board specifically for this purpose, and yet two of this model have had the same issue.
Weird. Um, I'm using a compactflash card in a usb reader (sandisk in an acom reader)
0.8 onwards.
original here.