Code Sample |
-- mounts, umounts and builds .uci extensions -- (c) 2005,2006 mikshaw -- -- Changelog (yyyy/mm/dd) -- 2006/10/23: Fixed multiple trailing slashes on dir name -- Sort the list of available packges -- Consolidated mount and umount functions -- 2006/10/21: Added basic feature to build UCI packages -- UCI directory can be specified via UCITOOL_DIR -- 2006/09/05: Port to MurgaLua -- Added tabs and ability to mount packages -- Output of mydsl-load is displayed in the gui -- 2005/12/30: Changed UI to match DSL tools -- Added hotkey support -- Auto-selects first line for better keyboard support -- 2005/12/09: Displays total number of mounted UCIs -- 2005/12/08: First release -- -- TODO: Make it fully keyboard controllable (is that possible with fltk?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ww=400; wh=300; -- window size tx=2; ty=27; -- tab position tw=ww-4; th=wh-ty-2; -- tab size bw=120; bh=30; -- button size tempfile="/tmp/"..os.getenv("USER")..".uci2ool" pwd=os.getenv("PWD") ucidir="/cdrom/mydsl/optional" -- default uci directory -- check for UCITOOL_DIR environment variable ucivar=os.getenv("UCITOOL_DIR") if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucivar) then ucidir=ucivar end -- done at startup, add/remove a uci, and when "refresh" is pressed function build_uci_lists() -- add mounted files from mtab to ufiles window os.execute("grep \"^.*.uci \" /etc/mtab | awk '{print $1}' | sort >"..tempfile) ufiles:clear() for line in io.lines(tempfile) do ufiles:add(line) end ufiles:redraw() -- compare mtab UCI files (tempfile) with files in ucidir if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucidir) then,"r") mounted=input:read("*a") io.close(input) allfiles=murgaLua.readDirectory(ucidir) table.sort(allfiles) mfiles:clear() for i=0,table.getn(allfiles) do if string.find(allfiles[i],".uci",-4,plain) then -- list only *.uci files that are not in mtab if not string.find(mounted,allfiles[i].."\n") then mfiles:add(ucidir.."/"..allfiles[i]) end end end mfiles:redraw() end os.remove(tempfile) end -- choose a different uci directory function browse_cb() new_ucidir=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("choose a uci directory",ucidir,"*",0) if murgaLua.isDirectory(new_ucidir) then -- remove trailing slash if found ucidir=string.gsub(new_ucidir,"%/*$","") build_uci_lists() end end -- run mydsl-load on selected files function mount_cb(self) -- mount or umount? Uses the button label if self:label() == "mount" then lst=mfiles; out=mntout else lst=ufiles; out=umntout end for i = 1,lst:nitems() do if lst:checked(i)==1 then os.execute("mydsl-load "..lst:text(i).." &>"..tempfile) -- print mydsl-load output (tempfile) to mntout or umntout for line in io.lines(tempfile) do out:add(line) end out:bottomline(out:size()) end end build_uci_lists() end -- BEGIN interface w=fltk:Fl_Double_Window(ww,wh,"UCI Tool"); tabs=fltk:Fl_Tabs(tx,2,ww-4,wh-4); tabs:selection_color(51); tabs:color(1); tab1 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," mount "); -- checklist of unmounted ucis mfiles=fltk:Fl_Check_Browser(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-bh-80); mfiles:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); -- output from mydsl-load mntout=fltk:Fl_Browser(tx+2,ty+th-bh-76,tw-4,76); mntout:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) mntout:format_char(0); -- this label MUST be "mount" mount=fltk:Fl_Button(tx,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"mount"); mount:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); mount:callback(mount_cb); browse=fltk:Fl_Button(ww-bw-2,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"change directory"); browse:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); browse:callback(browse_cb); fltk:Fl_End(); tab2 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," umount "); -- checklist of mounted ucis ufiles=fltk:Fl_Check_Browser(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-bh-80); ufiles:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); -- output from mydsl-load umntout=fltk:Fl_Browser(tx+2,ty+th-bh-76,tw-4,76); umntout:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) umount=fltk:Fl_Button(tx,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"umount"); umount:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); umount:callback(mount_cb); refresh=fltk:Fl_Button(ww-bw-2,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"refresh list"); refresh:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); refresh:callback(build_uci_lists); fltk:Fl_End(); tab3 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," build "); frame=fltk:Fl_Box(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-4); frame:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); createinfo=fltk:Fl_Box(tx+12,ty+12,tw-24,th-24-(bh*2),"The \"MAKE PACKAGE\" button will build a UCI extension using the directory entered in the box below.\n\ Created files will include "..pwd.."/name.uci and "..pwd.."/name.uci.md5.txt, where \"name\" is the basename of the source directory.") createinfo:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_WRAP) createdir=fltk:Fl_Input(tx+12,wh-bh*2-18,tw-bh-24,bh); createdir:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) createdir:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_TOP) createbut=fltk:Fl_Button(tx+12,wh-bh-18,tw-24,bh,"MAKE PACKAGE") createbut:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); createbut:labelfont(fltk.FL_HELVETICA_BOLD) cdbut=fltk:Fl_Button(tw-40,wh-bh*2-18,bh,bh,"...") cdbut:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX) cdbut:callback ( function(cd_cb) ucisource=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("choose a source directory",pwd,"*",0) if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucisource) then createdir:value(ucisource) end end ) createbut:callback ( function(make_package) if murgaLua.isDirectory(createdir:value()) then -- trim trailing slash(es), if needed trim=string.gsub(createdir:value(),"%/*$","") -- get basename newuciname=string.gsub(trim,".*/","") -- build uci -- TODO: should the block size be user-configurable? os.execute("cd "..trim.."/../ && aterm -e sudo su -c \"mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad "..newuciname.."/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > "..pwd.."/"..newuciname..".uci\" && cd && md5sum "..newuciname..".uci > "..newuciname..".uci.md5.txt") end end ) fltk:Fl_End(); tab4 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," about "); about=fltk:Fl_Box(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-4,"UCITOOL 2: THE REMOUNTENING - Beta\n\n\ A MurgaLua tool for creating and managing\ *.uci MyDSL packages in Damn Small Linux.\ \n\n(c)2006 mikshaw [mrblog|yahoo|com]"); about:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); fltk:Fl_End(); build_uci_lists(); w:show(); Fl:run(); |
Code Sample |
#!/bin/murgaLua -- mounts, umounts and builds .uci extensions -- (c) 2005,2006 mikshaw -- -- Changelog (yyyy/mm/dd) -- 2006/11/12: Fixed md5sum not finding uci file -- Removed unnecessary "about" tab -- 2006/10/23: Fixed multiple trailing slashes on dir name -- Sort the list of available packges -- Consolidated mount and umount functions -- 2006/10/21: Added basic feature to build UCI packages -- UCI directory can be specified via UCITOOL_DIR -- 2006/09/05: Port to MurgaLua -- Added tabs and ability to mount packages -- Output of mydsl-load is displayed in the gui -- 2005/12/30: Changed UI to match DSL tools -- Added hotkey support -- Auto-selects first line for better keyboard support -- 2005/12/09: Displays total number of mounted UCIs -- 2005/12/08: First release -- -- TODO: Make it fully keyboard controllable (is that possible with fltk?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ww=400; wh=300; -- window size tx=2; ty=27; -- tab position tw=ww-4; th=wh-ty-2; -- tab size bw=120; bh=30; -- button size tempfile="/tmp/"..os.getenv("USER")..".uci2ool" pwd=os.getenv("PWD") ucidir="/cdrom/mydsl/optional" -- default uci directory -- check for UCITOOL_DIR environment variable ucivar=os.getenv("UCITOOL_DIR") if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucivar) then ucidir=ucivar end -- done at startup, add/remove a uci, and when "refresh" is pressed function build_uci_lists() -- add mounted files from mtab to ufiles window os.execute("grep \"^.*.uci \" /etc/mtab | awk '{print $1}' | sort >"..tempfile) ufiles:clear() for line in io.lines(tempfile) do ufiles:add(line) end ufiles:redraw() -- compare mtab UCI files (tempfile) with files in ucidir if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucidir) then,"r") mounted=input:read("*a") io.close(input) allfiles=murgaLua.readDirectory(ucidir) table.sort(allfiles) -- list only *.uci files that are not in mtab mfiles:clear() for i=0,table.getn(allfiles) do if string.find(allfiles[i],".uci",-4,plain) then if not string.find(mounted,allfiles[i].."\n") then mfiles:add(ucidir.."/"..allfiles[i]) end end end mfiles:redraw() end os.remove(tempfile) end -- choose a different uci directory function browse_cb() new_ucidir=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("choose a uci directory",ucidir,"*",0) if murgaLua.isDirectory(new_ucidir) then -- remove trailing slash if found ucidir=string.gsub(new_ucidir,"%/*$","") build_uci_lists() end end -- run mydsl-load on selected files function mount_cb(self) -- mount or umount? Uses the button label if self:label() == "mount" then lst=mfiles; out=mntout else lst=ufiles; out=umntout end for i = 1,lst:nitems() do if lst:checked(i)==1 then os.execute("mydsl-load "..lst:text(i).." &>"..tempfile) -- print mydsl-load output (tempfile) to mntout or umntout for line in io.lines(tempfile) do out:add(line) end out:bottomline(out:size()) end end build_uci_lists() end -- BEGIN interface w=fltk:Fl_Double_Window(ww,wh,"UCI Tool"); tabs=fltk:Fl_Tabs(tx,2,ww-4,wh-4); tabs:selection_color(51); tabs:color(1); tab1 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," mount "); -- checklist of unmounted ucis mfiles=fltk:Fl_Check_Browser(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-bh-80); mfiles:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); -- output from mydsl-load mntout=fltk:Fl_Browser(tx+2,ty+th-bh-76,tw-4,76); mntout:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) mntout:format_char(0); -- this label MUST be "mount" mount=fltk:Fl_Button(tx,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"mount"); mount:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); mount:callback(mount_cb); browse=fltk:Fl_Button(ww-bw-2,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"change directory"); browse:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); browse:callback(browse_cb); fltk:Fl_End(); tab2 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," umount "); -- checklist of mounted ucis ufiles=fltk:Fl_Check_Browser(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-bh-80); ufiles:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); -- output from mydsl-load umntout=fltk:Fl_Browser(tx+2,ty+th-bh-76,tw-4,76); umntout:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) umount=fltk:Fl_Button(tx,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"umount"); umount:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); umount:callback(mount_cb); refresh=fltk:Fl_Button(ww-bw-2,wh-bh-2,bw,bh,"refresh list"); refresh:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); refresh:callback(build_uci_lists); fltk:Fl_End(); tab3 = fltk:Fl_Group(tx,ty,tw,th," build "); frame=fltk:Fl_Box(tx+2,ty+2,tw-4,th-4); frame:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); createinfo=fltk:Fl_Box(tx+12,ty+12,tw-24,th-24-(bh*2),"The \"MAKE PACKAGE\" button will build a UCI extension using the directory entered in the box below.\n\ Created files will include "..pwd.."/name.uci and "..pwd.."/name.uci.md5.txt, where \"name\" is the basename of the source directory.") createinfo:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_WRAP) createdir=fltk:Fl_Input(tx+12,wh-bh*2-18,tw-bh-24,bh); createdir:box(fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) createdir:label("source directory:"); createdir:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT_TOP) createbut=fltk:Fl_Button(tx+12,wh-bh-18,tw-24,bh,"MAKE PACKAGE") createbut:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX); createbut:labelfont(fltk.FL_HELVETICA_BOLD) cdbut=fltk:Fl_Button(tw-40,wh-bh*2-18,bh,bh,"...") cdbut:box(fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX) cdbut:callback ( function(cd_cb) ucisource=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("choose a source directory",pwd,"*",0) if murgaLua.isDirectory(ucisource) then createdir:value(ucisource) end end ) createbut:callback ( function(make_package) if murgaLua.isDirectory(createdir:value()) then -- trim trailing slash(es), if needed trim=string.gsub(createdir:value(),"%/*$","") -- get basename newuciname=string.gsub(trim,".*/","") -- build uci -- TODO: should the block size be user-configurable? os.execute("cd `dirname "..createdir:value().."` && aterm -e sudo su -c \"mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad "..newuciname.."/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > "..pwd.."/"..newuciname..".uci\" && cd "..pwd.." && md5sum "..newuciname..".uci > "..newuciname..".uci.md5.txt") end end ) fltk:Fl_End(); build_uci_lists(); w:show(); Fl:run(); |
Code Sample |
#!/bin/murgaLua -- A MurgaLua frontend for xdesktopwaves. -- This does not cover all options, but should provide a decent -- amount of control for most features. -- Note: The 'z' variables are placeholders..dunno if there's a better way -- Changelog -- 2007-02-07: Custom colors persist for fl_color_chooser -- Colors are set accurately with set_color instead of fl_color_cube -- Tooltips added in case of too-dark color -- More code cleanup -- 2007-02-05: Fixed fl_color_chooser not ignoring change when cancelled -- Code cleanup -- 2007-02-04: Dumped Lua-FLTK -- Added custom color controls -- 2006-10-28: Can use either Lua-FLTK or MurgaLua -- Removed unnecessary stuff (decoration, about, version, rc file) -- 2005-01-28: First version (Lua-FLTK) --program="/opt/xdesktopwaves/xdesktopwaves" program="xdesktopwaves" -- LAUNCH XDESKTOPWAVES function start_waves() if colors:value() > 0 then colscheme=" -c "..colors:value() elseif usemycolor:value() == 1 then colscheme=" -wc "..watercolor.." -sc "..skycolor.." -lc "..lightcolor else colscheme="" end if tog1:value() == 1 then stip=" -t" else stip="" end if tog2:value() == 1 then opaque=" -o" else opaque="" end if tog3:value() == 1 then win=" -w" else win="" end if tog4:value() == 1 then nwm=" -nwm" else nwm="" end if tog5:value() == 1 then nww=" -nww" else nww="" end os.execute( " -q "..quals:value().. " -rn "..rains:value().. " -st "..winds:value().. " -vs "..viscs:value().. " -si "..skys:value().. " -li "..lights:value().. " -lal "..alts:value().. " -laz "..azs:value().. " &") end -- MAIN WINDOW wh = 240 ww = 480 w = fltk:Fl_Window(ww,wh, "xdesktopwaves") sl = 120 -- slider left edge sw = 190 -- slider width sh = 18 -- slider height st = 10 -- first slider y_position ss = 20 -- spacing bw=140 -- button width bx=ww-bw-ss -- button x position -- SLIDERS colors = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st,sw,sh,"color scheme "); colors:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); colors:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); colors:step(1); colors:minimum(0); colors:maximum(9); colors:value(0); colors:tooltip("Preset color schemes "); -- quals = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss,sw,sh,"wave quality "); quals:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); quals:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); quals:step(1); quals:minimum(0); quals:maximum(9); quals:value(5); quals:tooltip("Overall quality of the waves. \nThe higher the quality, the \nhigher the CPU load. "); -- rains = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*2,sw,sh,"rain amount "); rains:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); rains:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); rains:step(1); rains:minimum(0); rains:maximum(10); rains:value(0); rains:tooltip("Simulate raindrops falling on the water "); -- winds = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*3,sw,sh,"wind amount "); winds:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); winds:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); winds:step(1); winds:minimum(0); winds:maximum(10); winds:value(0); winds:tooltip("Simulate a storm blowing on the water "); -- viscs = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*4,sw,sh,"viscosity "); viscs:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); viscs:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); viscs:step(1); viscs:minimum(1); viscs:maximum(5); viscs:value(3); viscs:tooltip("The higher the viscosity, the \nshorter the lifetime of waves "); -- skys = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*5,sw,sh,"sky "); skys:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); skys:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); skys:step(1); skys:minimum(1); skys:maximum(10); skys:value(5); skys:tooltip("Intensity of sky reflections "); -- lights = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*6,sw,sh,"light "); lights:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); lights:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); lights:step(1); lights:minimum(1); lights:maximum(10); lights:value(5); lights:tooltip("Intensity of light reflections "); -- alts = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*7,sw,sh,"altitude "); alts:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); alts:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); alts:step(1); alts:minimum(0); alts:maximum(90); alts:value(30); alts:tooltip("Altitude of light source \(degrees\) "); -- azs = fltk:Fl_Value_Slider(sl,st+ss*8,sw,sh,"azimuth "); azs:type(fltk.FL_HORIZONTAL); azs:align(fltk.FL_ALIGN_LEFT); azs:step(1); azs:minimum(-360); azs:maximum(360); azs:value(-35); azs:tooltip("Azimuth of light source \(degrees\) "); -- CUSTOM COLORS function get_rgbh(i) r,g,b=Fl:get_color(i:color(),r,g,b); h=string.format("\\#%.2X%.2X%.2X",r,g,b); return r,g,b,h end function mycolor(self) get_rgbh(self); c_ok,r,g,b=fltk.fl_color_chooser("pick color",r,g,b); if c_ok == 1 then Fl:set_color(self:color(),r,g,b) hex=string.format("\\#%.2X%.2X%.2X",r,g,b) if self:label() == "water color" then watercolor=hex elseif self:label() == "sky color" then skycolor=hex else lightcolor=hex end end end -- colors 15, 6, and 255 are changed dynamically usemycolor = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(bx,st,bw,ss,"Use My Colors: "); usemycolor:tooltip("This option is overridden by \na nonzero color scheme"); wcolor = fltk:Fl_Button(bx,st+ss,bw,ss,"water color"); wcolor:color(15); wcolor:callback(mycolor); wcolor:tooltip("water color"); scolor = fltk:Fl_Button(bx,st+ss*2,bw,ss,"sky color"); scolor:color(6); scolor:callback(mycolor); scolor:tooltip("sky color"); hcolor = fltk:Fl_Button(bx,st+ss*3,bw,ss,"light color"); hcolor:color(255); hcolor:callback(mycolor); hcolor:tooltip("light color"); -- set initial "my colors" z,z,z,watercolor=get_rgbh(wcolor); z,z,z,skycolor=get_rgbh(scolor); z,z,z,lightcolor=get_rgbh(hcolor); -- CONTROLS: start, stop bstart = fltk.Fl_Return_Button(bx,st+ss*5,bw,ss*2, "start"); bstop = fltk.Fl_Button(bx,st+ss*7,bw,ss*2, "stop"); bstart:callback(start_waves) function stop_waves() os.execute(program.." -end") end bstop:callback(stop_waves); -- TOGGLES tog1 = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(20,wh-40,80,25, "stipple"); tog1:tooltip("Fake transparency. \nThis option is not as \"transparent\" \nas the default transparency, but \nit is easier on your cpu."); tog2 = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(110,wh-40,80,25, "opaque"); tog2:tooltip("No transparency "); tog3 = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(200,wh-40,80,25, "window"); tog3:tooltip("Open in its own normal window \nrather than the root window.\nSome window managers\nmay require \"opaque\" as well."); tog4 = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(290,wh-40,80,25, "ignore\n mouse"); tog4:tooltip("Mouse cursor does not create waves "); tog5 = fltk:Fl_Round_Button(380,wh-40,80,25, " ignore\nwindows"); tog5:tooltip("Windows do not create waves "); w:show() Fl:run() |