Programming and Scripting :: New HD installer project

I've began to program a little script which make the installation more nice and easy to use, I haven't finished it YET, that's why I am posting here, because I would like to know if there is anybody instersted to finish it with me, I am needing to finish the post-setup part, (the part before the  installation setup)

you can get the un-completed && actual code at: my blog

and here a Screenshot of what do I  have done. That's the "idea" (Maybe some debian-like installer)

Please don't hesitate on contact me at carlos at

By the way: Ideas from non-developers are welcomed too!.

Hm, having an easier looking installation script sounds like a great idea.

Some questions:
- will you include a partitioning/formatting (with reboot) part?
- selection via menu (i.e. arrow keys+enter vs inputting by hand)
- is this aiming for all type of installations?  Or just one?
- is this going to encompass different bootloaders (ie lilo vs grub) and different configurations? (ie install grub stage1 to hda and stage2 to hdb)

Just after a quick glance at the code...
- line 7: DIALOIG= <-- I think you meant DIALOG
- do you plan on also using the Xdialog (not included in DSL afaik) or some other X interface (ie w/ lua) ?

Some questions:
- will you include a partitioning/formatting (with reboot) part?
- selection via menu (i.e. arrow keys+enter vs inputting by hand)
- is this aiming for all type of installations?  Or just one?
- is this going to encompass different bootloaders (ie lilo vs grub) and different configurations? (ie install grub stage1 to hda and stage2 to hdb)

- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes

But I need some help to develop those stuff.

- line 7: DIALOIG= <-- I think you meant DIALOG

Thanks for that, I didn't figure it out.

- do you plan on also using the Xdialog (not included in DSL afaik) or some other X interface (ie w/ lua) ?

Yes, that's a problem. We need whiptail to use it, though whiptail's binary is only 24k.

Program it on other X interface wouldn't be a bad idea.

Awesome - good luck!

Well if you don't plan on using that Xdialog you can remove that whole if statement surround line 7 afaik.

Also, do you know if whiptail depends on any other libraries not in DSL?

Also, do you know if whiptail depends on any other libraries not in DSL?

Nop! it doesn't. I was kind of scared the first time I tried. Add 24k wouldn't be a pain in the ass.

umm, any volunteers?

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