Programming and Scripting :: XPM Icon Viewer

shouldn't you explicity call close on data here as well?
There is a file:close() after the loop. Does return cause the function to end?  I've never fully understood how return works, particularly when it is not the last command in a function.  I had a break in there at one time, and then the return, but it required four or five extra lines of code and showed no noticeable improvement.

would adding an extra button to optionally "fix" a broken image be a good idea?
I think it's a good idea.

does the xpm format actually allow spaces in front?  If it does, then technically it's not a "broken image"
I have no idea what the technical specs of the file format are, but apparently it is allowed in many applications that read XPM. That could simply be application developers making software that compensates for a common error, though, just as we are doing here.

I plan to add a couple more checks eventually. The most important will be to check whether or not a *.xpm file is actually an XPM. If a non-XPM file has a *.xpm filename, it will crash the app.

There is a file:close() after the loop. Does return cause the function to end?  I've never fully understood how return works, particularly when it is not the last command in a function.  I had a break in there at one time, and then the return, but it required four or five extra lines of code and showed no noticeable improvement.
The return statement can be like a GOTO command or break command, it basically exits or 'returns' from the function right there with a value (if specified) back to the point where the function was called.  So the close statement would not be read at all.  Although having multiple return statements usually isn't good semantics for programming, I find that scripting usually has looser guidelines (this is just my opinion).  Also if there is any return value at all, it is cleaner to return something of the same type to explicitly tell what the author intended, and can reduce potential error.  In psuedo-code you can do something like: VALID = true; for X in Y while VALID do; VALID = check_validity(X); done; return VALID

I plan to add a couple more checks eventually. The most important will be to check whether or not a *.xpm file is actually an XPM. If a non-XPM file has a *.xpm filename, it will crash the app.
I guess the most basic check would just to look for the /* XPM */ header.  Did a quick search and found 'cxpm' which might help out on the format details (see )

I have a lot to learn about programming in general.
Your suggestion is similar to what I had originally done using break to hopefully speed things up a little, but since it didn't seem to make any difference I eventually went with the smaller code. I'll look at it again later.

I guess the most basic check would just to look for the /* XPM */ header.  Did a quick search and found 'cxpm'
that's amusing
I had both of those ideas in mind as well =o)
I haven't gotten to that yet, though.

The thing about cxpm is that it is not in DSL. Its buddy sxpm is in DSL, though, and I'm currently using that to do the fix. Simply opening and resaving the troublesome files with sxpm is enough to fix them.

Code Sample

-- XPM icon viewer
-- mikshaw 2007
-- thanks to ^thehatsrule^ for help and suggestions


/* XPM */
static char *broken_image[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"14 16 16 1",
"  c black",
". c #800000",
"X c #008000",
"o c #808000",
"O c navy",
"+ c #800080",
"@ c #008080",
"# c #C0C0C0",
"$ c #808080",
"% c red",
"& c green",
"* c None",
"= c blue",
"- c magenta",
"; c cyan",
": c gray100",
/* pixels */
"          $***",
" :::::::::$$**",
" :########$:$*",
" :###XX###$::$",
" :##X&X ##    ",
" :##XXX ####: ",
" :###  #####: ",
" :######=== :*",
" :#%####=;= :*",
" :#-%###==O***",
" :#--%##  **: ",
" :#---%#***#: ",
" :#   *****#: ",
" :##*****###: ",
" ::*****::::: ",
"  ******      "
if xpm_write then

if edvar then editor=edvar end

function get_image_data(self)
 local old_data=display:image()
 if old_data then old_data:uncache() end
 local image_data=self:image()
 if image_data then
   display:image(image_data:copy(128,128)) --show it bigger!
   i_menu:mode(3,1) -- disable "fix" item
 current_file=dir..self:tooltip() -- for editor
 display:label("\n"..self:tooltip().."\n"..lfs.attributes(current_file).size.." bytes")

function menu_cb()
 local v=i_menu:value()
 if v==0 and current_file then os.execute(editor.." "..current_file.." &")
 elseif v==1 then chdir()
 elseif v==2 then refresh()
 elseif v==3 then fix_xpm()
 elseif v==4 then os.exit(0)

function find_stupid_space(file)
 if data then
   for line in data:lines() do
     if string.find(line,"^%s") then return 1 end

function build_list()
 local active=1
 if not string.find(dir,"/$") then dir=dir.."/" end
 -- get all xpm files
 for file in lfs.dir(dir) do
   if string.find(file,"%.xpm$") then
 -- make buttons for "xpm_size" images only
 for i=1,table.getn(images) do
   if icon[i]:w()==xpm_size and icon[i]:h()==xpm_size then
       butt[xpm_count]:box(15) --shadow
     if not find_stupid_space(dir..images[i]) then
     else butt[xpm_count]:label("bad\nimage")
       if broken==images[i] then active=xpm_count end -- for refreshing display
     else icon[i]:uncache()
 if butt[active] then
   -- show first image
 display2:label(xpm_count.." files | "..math.ceil(filesize/1024).." kb")

function refresh()
 local old_image=display:image()
 if old_image then old_image:uncache(); display:hide() end
 -- clear all tables and remove buttons
 for i=1,table.getn(images) do table.remove(images) end
 for i=1,table.getn(icon) do icon[i]:uncache() end
 for i=1,table.getn(icon) do table.remove(icon) end
 for i=1,table.getn(butt) do table.remove(butt) end

function chdir()
 local dirname=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("pick a dir...",dir)
 if dirname then

function fix_xpm()
 if broken then
   os.execute("cd "..dir.." && sxpm -nod "..broken.." -o "..broken)

-- candy
Fl:set_color(fltk.FL_DARK3,150,150,150) -- shadow
Fl:set_color(fltk.FL_GRAY0,128,128,128) -- frame

-- some sizes and positions are determined by xpm_size
bw=xpm_size+20 -- button width
bh=30; sw=bw+20; sh=250 -- menu, scroll size
images={}; icon={}; butt={}
w=fltk:Fl_Window(ww,wh,"XPM Icons")

for i,v in ipairs(menu_items) do i_menu:add(v) end

display=fltk:Fl_Box(sw+5,0,sh,sh) -- big image
display2=fltk:Fl_Box(sw+5,sh,sh,bh) -- dir info


This is programmed very application centric. It fine for accessing everything from within the application. But for DSL v4.x it would be nice to be able to double click on an .xpm file or drag-n-drop an .xpm file and have this application process it.
Looking good...

I'm not sure how it works so far with hundreds of xpm's, but if you don't display all of them at the same time, you can save startup time by loading/checking the xpm's for when you actually do display them.  Either incrementally (i.e. scrolling through) or via pages would be fine, but this comes at the expense of having them load at whatever intervals.

DND would be a nice to-have for 4.x.

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