Programming and Scripting :: C question

Um, I didn't know rsa used blowfish?
I dunno.  I'm just using openssl on a  blowfish encrypted file to test the thing so I don't muck around with keys.  Change it to do rsa.

And I was wrong about cat.  Wonder where I got that idea .. back in a minute with another way to discard false positives.

I think it's not needed. With rsa, if the phrase is correct, it outputs the unencrypted contents to stdin, but I've never seen it output binary garbage. For returning 0 with certain passphrases, I've yet to see that..

How would you implement the signal trap for SIGUSR1 to print $result?

Hey, changing Vulcanian to Finnish... :angry:

Ei jaksa uskoa että tämä muka näyttää oudolta :P

No offence intended about Finnish - if it reads like Perl to me it must be a very nice language!  But I don't speak it.

RSA: That's good to know, so not a problem. Are you sure?  With a 3-char passphrase I hit about 7 false positives out of many thousands before hitting the real passphrase. It doesn't do it on all incorrect passphrases.    Perhaps only with certain ciphers, I don't know.  Have seen that complain before but I can't recall the cipher.  Of course, it can be seen as a benefit precisely because it can slow brute forcing.

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