Programming and Scripting :: lighttpd lua query string access

Just curious, did the existing cgi.lua not work for you?
Honestly I never thought to try it.  Now that you mention it I remember seeing it before, but that was before considering using Lua as CGI.  And what I've done so far has been few-and-far-between tests on a local-network-only website, so I haven't been too serious about exploring it.

I'll be sure to look into cgi.lua now.

While murgaLua is a great tool for making quick and small interfaces, i wonder if it might be a little heavy for use on a web server. I just installed Lua a few days ago in an attempt to compile some modules for murgaLua, but I'm wondering if it might also be useful as a mydsl extension. So far I haven't succeeded in compiling any binary Lua modules, though, so I've moved toward looking at modules written in Lua.  As a result, and a side note, I finally understand the use of  ...  as a function parameter, and expect it will be quite useful in future scripts.  As a result of that result, I'm guessing the underscore has some very useful usefulness that I have yet to understand.

I agree. I found Lua useful before there was any fltk bindings. The first Lua in DSL was plain Lua.
I also have and use Lua for DOS and use the ANSI functions to print formatted screens.  :D
I think I placed Lua DOS in the dsl utils diskette.

This is the reason some, including me, wish John Murga would consider doing his excellent bindings as a module to plain Lua.
Then we would not have the extra baggage when using non gui scripts.

It may come a time when I will have to have both regular Lua and murgaLua for speed reasons.
I wish not to have to do that. This is in no way a knock on murgaLua. Each release is amazing with new capabilities resulting in even nicer looking GUIs.

original here.