Programming and Scripting :: Good Starting Language
Hey, i was wondering if anyone could sugjest a good starting language, and mabey where to find a totorial on the subject?
This really depends on what you want to do.
Do you want to create applications to run on a desktop?
Do you want to create web pages with scripts and animation?
Like John said, it depends what you want to do.
I find it easier to learn a language when I have a small project I want to do. What have you seen that makes you want to program.
One of the first people to teach me to program had the class write down everything they do in the first 5 minutes when they wake up. Most of the class could list 3 or 4 things and that's what they handed in. The prof came back and said "More detail". We went off again and maybe came up with half a page of stuff. Once again the prof said "More detail".... in the end we had about 5 pages of items. Things like "move arm". "open fingers". close fingers around blanket".... "move arm".... "open fingers to release blanket" and on and on....
His point was to show that you take a lot of things for granted but when programming you need to tell the computer all the little steps that make up the big project..
Wow... I shouldn't be writting before my second cup of coffee... sorry, I've gone off topic. Like John said think about what you want to do and someone here will help you find a starting language.
-Good luck
Well I feel pulled more twords apps, and as far as what makes me want to program? I've always loved computers, since my hand first touched a mouse, and programming just seems like something that could help me learn more about my good friend computer.
Just my opinion but I started out with c++. I have learned a few different ones, but still use c++ more than any other.
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