Cool Things :: Check out my Lunchbox project
It's up and running!
That simply rocks.
I'm betting a lot of people would pay dearly for a lunchbox mini with their favorite lunchbox characters on it...Spiderman, Hello Kitty, etc...
Really nice doobit. The nibbler is a great sheet metal tool, but I think what you did looks great even with the rotary tool.
Looks really good! I like the way it all fits inside the box, you did a good job.
One thing I would watch is the heat inside. The 6000s run hot, and even though they are fanless they seem to like a lot of fresh air. FWIW, the 5000s run a lot cooler. I think people could get away with putting them in nearly anything, but they do not have the same performance as the 6000s.
Yes, I was aware of the heat issue because I tried it a few times with it all laid out on the floor. I drilled a series of small holes in the side opposite the power supply fan that put the CPU heat sink between them and the power supply inlet vents.You can't see them in the photos because they are small, and I forgot to mention on the web page. The fan doesn't move much air, but the temperature seems to stabilize fairly quickly, so I hope it's enough. One other issue with this mainboard is that it's real touchy about what RAM it will work well with.
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