Cool Things :: Your Screenshots please

See what you guys started! Last one, I promise.
Remember this one?

Now I need to package all of  these as an extension, the "classics"  :D

Robert (and others),

I've had no success finding the T Rex image online. IIRC, it was some kind of museum or gallery. I checked National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc., to no avail. I'll continue looking tomorrow as I can. I also have an e-mail pending with a photographer whose work I came across while looking to see if he has any restrictions or objections to including any of his images; his stuff is very nice and some would match that particular color scheme well.

In the meantime, I did a quick tan pattern background with as similar features as I can render in GIMP sans a cool dinosaur skeleton. It's linked on the following page with a screenshot of it with the color scheme. It's not perfect, but the good news is it's less than half the size of the T Rex shot.

Quote (lucky13 @ Dec. 04 2007,19:59)
In the meantime, I did a quick tan pattern background with as similar features as I can render in GIMP sans a cool dinosaur skeleton. It's linked on the following page with a screenshot of it with the color scheme. It's not perfect, but the good news is it's less than half the size of the T Rex shot.

Well... (putting on his shoe shopping face)... it's not bad but... (squinting and nodding his head)... it's just not the same without Barney.

Maybe it was the British National Museum.  Maybe you could email me that Barney background so I can take a good look at it and help you find the source?

Quote (mikshaw @ Dec. 04 2007,14:42)
Quote (Onyarian @ Dec. 04 2007,11:42)
That's from my laptop:

Is that background an XPM file? If so, it must be huuuuge.

In this version 4.1 is an .jpg, but I have had the same as .xpm background in 4.0
Now is more easy to manage the backgrounds in 4.1
(Thanks Roberts)

P.D.: This is a photo from the sky in august 2007 taken from my home.
P.D.2: My english comprension is not 100%. What is huge?
(I know now what is huge. The jpg is 700Kb and the xpm is 1.4Mb, converted with Imagemagick, because with gimp was with 15Mb)

Latest. Will look for T Rex again later.

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