Cool Things :: Your Screenshots please

Quote (WDef @ Dec. 06 2007,05:03)

lucky: that new-with-odo looks quite slick.   I think the less "busy" ones are visually best.

Perhaps you should package up some of your color/theme ideas in some way Lucky so people can try them out?

That's what I did in the new jwmThemes.tar.gz extension.
I created two small Lua programs. The first one is setup.lua which will convert your .jwmrc to use an Include for the Visual Styles section.
The second Lua/Fltk allows drag-n-drop of Lucky13's color schemes. Then I added some tags to Lucky13's color schemes and packaged it as an extension.

Mix and Match with classic-backgrouunds for lots of eye candy!

The color schemes included are:


I included the default so you can switch back to the standard used in the iso.

lucky: that new-with-odo looks quite slick.   I think the less "busy" ones are visually best.

I agree about less "busy." I have a few more to add. First up are "cobalt" and "shades of grey." Both are on the following link.

PS for Robert: The red (root) folder icon that matches the set I sent you is in your mailbox.

Related to what's been addressed here, I set up a separate thread in the Window Managers section for adding themes.

EDIT and PS for Robert: Thanks for the theme switcher.

Hmm, must be having server issues. Second try since first hasn't shown up. I'm not trying to hijack this thread, so here's a final offering and an explanation.

I know some people won't like the "bling" theme I did. I made it for one reason: because of the flack about how JWM wasn't as snazzy as other window managers and how it basically sucks. Aesthetically, it's a blank canvas. Functionally, it does as advertised (and quite well).

My homemade wallpapers are available on the bottom of the page beneath the screenshots. The largest is 14.1 kb.

DSL rocks.

I don't have a web site or any of my own photos handy to post, but here and here are a couple of small photos taken close to my place.
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