DSL Tips and Tricks :: network file transfer: XP machine--> linux machine

Don't forget smbclient. It is built into the base of DSL.
Gives ftp'like access to shares on windows machines.
That is get filename and put filename.
There are some docs about it in the DSL Wiki.

I've found smbclient to work very well.  I always wanted to copy the same folders, so wrote a bash script that passes all the 'stuff' to smbclient each time.   Here's the meat of the script.

Code Sample
DR1='pc/share1 pc/share2 etc'
for ITEM in $DR1
if smbclient //$ITEM -Uuser%password -c "lowercase; prompt; recurse; mask *; mget *"
   then echo "`ls -r *|wc -l` files copied from $ITEM"
   else echo "Failed to copy files from $ITEM"

How hard would it be to setup a samba server on the dsl cd so that it creates a share every time it runs?

Thanks in advance!


original here.