DSL Tips and Tricks :: HowTo: Show IP of network interfaces on desktop
torsmo is the system monitor on your desktop (starting with DSL 2.1). It can be customized to show plenty of additional stuff, I'll show how to customize it so it displays the IP(s) of your networkinterfaces.
Granted not very exciting, but I find it helpful, especially when I have to remote administer friends' DSL installs via ssh.
1. First we create a little shell script that outputs the IP for a given interface. Create a file ~/.myip with this content:
3. Test if it's working with: ~/.myip eth0 or if you are on a PPPoE connection try ~/.myip ppp0 This should return one IP-Adress and the shell-prompt should appear right next to it.
4. If the above is ok, you can edit your torsmo-config file ~/.torsmorc and add the output of this script to it. For example find the line that reads:
execi 60 will refresh the value every 60 seconds. Also we are passing the name of the interface, so if you wanted to, you could show multiple interfaces.
5. If you want to immediately see the changes you can pkill torsmo and restart it torsmo&Torsmo sounds like a really cool program that can be customized in endless ways if you think creatively like ruserious here.
Thank you for introducing me to both the specific tweak and also for opening my eyes a little more to the concept of tweaking this program.dsl-2.1RC2 already has such a script. Look for .torsmo_ip and the execi in the .torsmorc See change log for dsl-2.1RC2.
But a good and thorough explaination.
Oh, man! I feel officially stupid now. I had downloaded RC1, but hadn't had the time to play with it. And then I downloaded RC2, and when I finally had time to experiment, I was using RC1 thinking I was using RC2...
Ok, give me some time, I'll find some way to give back to this great community. ;)You already have.
Just because it has already been done does not invalidate the effort, especially when it shows the other forum readers "how to do it" in concept.Next Page...
original here.