DSL Tips and Tricks :: again 486....

I already run DSL at 486 comp :)
It's really cool!!!

But now I fight with one problem:
my 486's motherboard is very old (before y2k) and bios clock always at 100 years ahead. Now it is 2094 year. Linux's date shows 1994.

How to do year changing when a system start up?
Or...It is impossible on my computer?


I used to have this problem on an old laptop of mine (compaq aero 486sx-25).  I woudl just set the date as soon as I logged in.   I would also go through and touch files that had the wrong dates on them.  Modlues used to complain if the dates were off.
One thing to check is your CMOS battery. The BIOS may also be updateable to fix the y2K bug.

original here.