DSL Tips and Tricks :: Gateway Solo 2500 Frugal Installation

I luv that desktop :cool:
Hey Rob

 I recently aquired a Gateway Solo laptop for my daughter to use.  I was very thankful to find your post.  I have a few questions..

I do the HD installs instead of the frugal installs.  Can you tell me have you done a HD install and if these settings in a HD install will work ?

 Also..  I would like to know what wireless card you are using ?    

 Lastly, I have the Kingmax XD card you spoke of.. but it did not have a "dongle" or at least it has a slot I was not aware of the use for.  

THank you for posting the results of your testing.. it is greatly appreciated !

Thanks !


Quote (MrBear37 @ Aug. 14 2006,10:47)
Hey Rob

 I recently aquired a Gateway Solo laptop for my daughter to use.  I was very thankful to find your post.  I have a few questions..

I do the HD installs instead of the frugal installs.  Can you tell me have you done a HD install and if these settings in a HD install will work ?

 Also..  I would like to know what wireless card you are using ?    

 Lastly, I have the Kingmax XD card you spoke of.. but it did not have a "dongle" or at least it has a slot I was not aware of the use for.  

THank you for posting the results of your testing.. it is greatly appreciated !

Thanks !


Yes a HDD install will work, though in my opinion your limiting your dsl experience with a hd install, its well worth the very small learning curve to do frugal, this way when new dsl versions come out, you are simply updating a disk image in its own partition and you get to keep all your old settings and programs and other modifications that you have made.

sorry for slow response time, i only checked back on this post to grab a link i had left here.

Hey Rob ( et al )

 I had a freaky experience with the Gateway Solo. That is for some reason that I was not able to fathom..  the Wireless card I was using ( D-Link  I forget what model. I am at work at the moment)... would run painfully slow.. its like the system had a choke hold on the connection.  

 I tried different cards.. which were recognized etc.. but with the same bottleneck... I reloaded Win-shaft on it.. and it ran fine.  so I am thinking there is some resource in there that it was having issues with..

 Did you have this issue ?


original here.