DSL Tips and Tricks :: Motif libraries for Opera 8.50


These are downloadable as a .dsl extension from here :

Link removed because obsolete. Thanks cbagger01. This is very useful.

To enjoy Flash and Java in Opera.

Cheers   :)

motif libraries are already included in the Opera 6.12 extension.

IMHO, they should be wrapped directly into the newer Opera extension because you need it for any of the plugins to work properly.

Don't get me wrong.

I have the opinion that they SHOULD be wrapped into the newer Opera extension.

But I am not about to undertake this task myself

On operawatch.blogspot.com I found good news (January 13th) :

The next Linux version of Opera 9 for the desktop will not require the presence of Motif for plug-ins to work, according to Claudio Santambrogio, QA Desktop Test Manager (Linux) for Opera.

This should be welcome news for many Linux users, as this has been one of the bigger annoyances Opera users on Linux have been struggling with.

original here.