DSL Tips and Tricks :: dsl boot straight into rdesktop

Hi everybody,

I've got a couple of 3-4 years old laptops which I see not use for
at the moment. There's one thing i could use them for though :-)
I have an winxp pro system at home which is powerful enough to run several sessions on it. So I would use those laptops as windows TS clients via rdesktop. There're 2 problems here:
- network cards;
- ideally I'd like rdestop to be the only app running on that laptop.
I've red some pots info here which I hope will let me to get my laptops networks cards working with the DSL.

But is there any way to make DSL boot the GUI and then run the  
rdesktop session with the params I'll give to it?

Any ideas/suggessions are greatly appreciated :-)

You may use beaver(or text editor of your choice) to edit
Code Sample

and or
Code Sample

to issue commands and or open programs that you'd like to have happen at boot up.
for instance to get rdesktop logged in automatically you could use beaver to add this line to either of the file options listed above:
Code Sample
rdesktop -g 800x600 -a 16 -D -u UserName -p P@55w0rd

thats a very specific login statement that sizes the screen to 800x600 w/16bit color and automatically logs in someone named "UserName" with the password "P@55w0rd" at an ip adress of be sure at a command prompt to issue this command
Code Sample

dsl@box:~$rdesktop --help

for a nice list of commands/switches that you can pass with rdesktop.
GL and hope this was of some use.


Thanks a lot for such a quick respond!
I'll give it a try a litlle bit later today.

I'd check it right now but I can't get my usb wireless card to work.
I have USB D-LINK DWL-g122 and it's listed as working via Prism2.
However, it doesn't :-(

Out of the box, WinXP only supports one session at a time.  While you can RDP to a WinXP box, the RDP session will lock out the console session.

Somewhere I saw an article for a hack for this.  I never tried it, so I can't say whether it works or not.

I know about that restriction and I've replaced termserv.dll on my WinXP system. So, that's not a prblem in my case. Thank you for pointing that out though :-)

meanwhilee I'm still fighting with my wireless network cards - can't find any that work.

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