DSL Tips and Tricks :: dsl boot straight into rdesktop
Quote (Guest @ Feb. 13 2006,11:34)
I wrote this line in /opt/bootlocal.sh :
rdekstop -f -a 16 nameserver
and then rebooted, but still I've to launch rdesktop manually, how can I do it automatically (like transforming old PCs in thin clients)?
have you tried putting that line in the /mnt/hda5/home/dsl/.xinitrc file instead? I'm just guessing at this point, Don't forget the 2>/dev/null Anyway if you figure it out be sure to post the solution.
GL RobI found (accidentially) that if you replace the current .xinitrc with the "rdesktop -g 800x600 -a 16, line it will boot to Rdesktop sans DSL desktop, which is just what i wanted, you can still ctrl-alt-backspace to run progs from the command line, but the average win user will have no clue, and only has to press the uparrow and enter to re-connect....now i have a question. when you append the rdesktop command to .xinitrc, is there a way to keep x running after you log out of rdesktop?I'm curious as to how you are using rdesktop. What are some practical uses for it?I have some old slow computers that have dead harddrives but can boot to CD. With Rdesktop, i can access my windows 2003 server i have set up from anywhere i can put oneNext Page...
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