DSL Tips and Tricks :: dsl boot straight into rdesktop

Quote (Guest @ Feb. 13 2006,11:34)
I wrote this line in /opt/bootlocal.sh :

rdekstop -f -a 16 nameserver

and then rebooted, but still I've to launch rdesktop manually, how can I do it automatically (like transforming old PCs in thin clients)?

have you tried putting that line in the /mnt/hda5/home/dsl/.xinitrc file instead? I'm just guessing at this point, Don't forget the 2>/dev/null Anyway if you figure it out be sure to post the solution.


I found (accidentially) that if you replace the current .xinitrc with the "rdesktop -g 800x600 -a 16, line it will boot to Rdesktop sans DSL desktop, which is just what i wanted, you can still ctrl-alt-backspace to run progs from the command line, but the average win user will have no clue, and only has to press the uparrow and enter to re-connect....
now i have a question. when you append the rdesktop command to .xinitrc, is there a way to keep x running after you log out of rdesktop?
I'm curious as to how you are using rdesktop. What are some practical uses for it?
I have some old slow computers that have dead harddrives but can boot to CD. With Rdesktop, i can access my windows 2003 server i have set up from anywhere i can put one
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