DSL Tips and Tricks :: ATerminal fonts

My monitor is set to 1280x1024x24, which makes DSL look great, except for the font used in ATerminal, it's too small for my taste. Here's howto change it.

In the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonst.alias you'll find a list of font aliases including the default font "fixed" used in aterm. For example to test "10x20", click on ATerminal and type:
Code Sample
aterm -fn 10x20 &

If you like what you see, open the file ~/.Xdefaults and modify it as follows
Code Sample
aterm*font: 10x20

Beware not to add any blank characters at the end of the line, the font won't be recognized if you do.

If you find the color blue for listing directories to be too dark, add the line
Code Sample
aterm*color12: DodgerBlue1

in ~/.Xdefaults

Restart the xsever (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and type startx) and click on ATerminal, it should now open with the new font and color.

Do you know how to set the height and width to? That would be great. I altered several files but non of them worked...
it would probably be something like
Code Sample
aterm*geometry: 80x60

YES!!! ist works :)  This is really "a big step for me" (not for mankind) if you know what i mean. I was searching a long time for the right file cause i thought somewhere there would be a line which says "height / width". And this did it. I love the shell and it was allways just to small for my taste...

Thanks again :) :) :)

Glad you like it! :D
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