DSL Tips and Tricks :: Dual Processors
No...I haven't gotten that far ito it yet. I was just amazed that it detected both processors.
Thanks for the info, it sounds like it will do what I want. I appreicate your help.
This is great news, DSL is really, really cool..
Use the live CD to test drive. You should get amazing speed.
Oh... I am already amazed... I first tested DSL on a PII 450mhz single processor system and I fell in love with it quickly...
Then I went ahead and did a frugal install on my P166mhz hard drive and I can't believe how well it runs on that old system. I was about to throw that old system away, looks like it give it another few years of life.
I love DSL. By far it is the best LINUX flavor I have tried. Mainly because it is so small and fast. I ran Fedora 4 and Fedora is just to bloated. I love DSL...
However, this has caused a few problems here at my house. My wife is starting to get mad at me because I spend 3 to 5 hours a night in my garage messing with the P166 running DSL. But she understands... I think...
I have a simular pc pII-450 w/ 1gig mem and no harddrive, it is a rockect.:)
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